Nice To Meet You

Effleurage Massage Therapy is the product of several years hard work. It started with a dream and flourished with my desire to find happiness and fulfillment in my work. Every intentional step that I took away from the security of traditional employment, put more responsibility on my shoulders and dignity in my spirit. I could feel freedom calling me to continue down this path of entrepreneurship. When I finally arrived here I could hardly contain my joy. I am empowered by my creative license and the room I have to grow. I think I will stay here for a while and enjoy this chapter.

Photography by Jonna Jorgensen

Madeline Stemp

The complexity of the human body, the way we can heal from injury and adapt from trauma has fascinated me my entire life. My interest was sparked as a young athlete and student of sports medicine. These sparks grew into flames as I went on to earn my Bachelors of Science in Clinical Physiology, become a Licensed Massage Therapist and ACSM Certified Exercise Physiologist. Today I am a wife, mother and full-fledged fire breathing self-employed entrepreneur. My business is built around helping others through massage, exercise and teaching. I dreamed it, I did it, and YOU CAN TOO..

Our Mission 

Our goal is to empower massage therapists to become masters of their trade. By masters we mean confident in their skills and knowledge, respected by the health care community and in control of their careers. We hope to set a gold standard for our industry. Basic expectations need to be established and recognized by therapists, clients, and employers. We may have to make waves, but we are going to sweep away the garbage littering our industry.  The power of the human touch can be adapted diversely and applied specifically to treat countless conditions. No other modality can compare to the simple and profound method of massage. The importance of massage in the context of health care needs to be igknowledged and the general outlook of  the practice must be restored. If that sounds good to you, then keep listening!

Madeline Stemp

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